
Our site is a community of different artists, so we take many strategic decisions together. We vote and discuss which direction to move, what to improve and what to change. As it's not possible to make everybody happy, but we try to find best solutions for all. Sometimes it is difficult, and not every time works well :)

Our team is very small. We are busy developing and supporting this site. Roles are strictly defined, so each of us is responsible for it's own part of a whole process.

  • ProtoPlex - founder and a leader of a project. Any topics regarding this site, contents of articles and news, cooperation and business. Everything else, except of complaints against the other team members.
  • Spirit of the site - is not responsible at all, but all the time does something useful. Chief gossip of our site, spreads rumors and makes announcements.

For general questions, it is best to write in the forum, to be able to discuss with other participants. We are working on this site for you. We don't like intrigue and trolls. We love constructiveness and awesome art.
